Thursday, October 28, 2004

Being sick really sucks

Being sick especially sucks when you're supposed to go into work early and get a big project done before your friday deadline. If I hadn't been awake at 2 am throwing up, and still up (not up again, but still up) at 6 am I would have been at work.

I'm such a baby, too. I cried that I couldn't go to work today. Twice. I wasn't crying that I was in extreme pain and discomfort, I was crying that I couldn't assemble and pack products for a conference.

I slept most of the day, since I didn't get sleep last night, obviously. I watched "Lost" and am a little confused about it, but it's too interesting a show to give up on. And regarding the preview, did anyone really think Charlie would just give up the drugs since he'd gotten his guitar? Someone's love for music can be really strong, but more than their dependence on drugs? Come on! (Oh, and I somehow knew she could speak English as soon as the episode started. I never thought of it before, but as soon as I saw her at the beginning of the episode, I knew.)

Currently listening to some different Christian music. Was listening to clips from Jeremy Camp's upcoming CD (call me obsessed if you like, I already know it.) Now listening to some group called Seven Places. Never heard of them before, don't know if I like them, and found out that my library doesn't have anything with them on it. Don't know how I'll hear anything of them, since I'm too cheap to buy CDs when I haven't heard at least 5 songs that I like at least three of off a single CD.

Am I trying to fit in with a crowd again? I'm listening to "rock Christian" music. Know what I listen to in secular? Jazz stuff. Or whatever you call Michael Buble' and Peter Cincotti. Or sometimes pop, not much, but some. Am I trying to fit someone else's mold again? That's what I was trying to do when I listened to Gospel music. Sure, it's good music, but I don't listen to it all that much. I don't know, I think I'm some bizarre chameleon or something.

Whatever, I'm just gonna cruise I tunes for awhile. Have some cash to spend .99 at a time.

On a side note, I'm glad I'm not the only person who didn't see a certain event coming, at all. (I'd never have paired those two, but hey, I'm pretty dense about relationship stuff anyway.)

Till next I write.

Saturday, October 16, 2004


Couldn't think of a title, sorry. It's been a week since I last wrote, and I'm sure more important stuff has happened to me than what I'll be writing about here, but that sort of thing is why I keep a spiral bound journal on my bedstand.

Started knitting a poncho last night. My friend and I are making the same pattern with different colored yarns. Proud to find that I knit faster than she does. Petty, but true. My friend's mom also showed me how to blanket stitch the "Starry Night" fleece panel I got awhile ago. Van Gogh was weird. But I love impressionist paintings. I plan on having a Monet themed room in a while. Wish I could afford real Monet paintings, but since I'm only working part time on a modest income, I'll head to Hobby Lobby for prints. Yay!

Ick, just saw a picture of the Man-bat from the new show "The Batman". Ugly.
I actually hate "The Batman". I hate the new character designs (look what they did to Catwoman!) and what they did to the Joker. Sure the first glimpse of the Joker was creepy, but after that, he just got stupid. The real Joker isn't stupid, he's smart and funny and evil, all rolled into one purple suit. Not a clown straight jacket. And I want to know why everyone in Gotham suddenly has ninja skill, even the Penguin. It's just... stupid. But that is only my opinion.

Hah! After the Bible study thing I went to on Tue I actually had an interesting conversation with two people about whether Batman of Superman was better. We were getting way too into it, but she said she prefered Superman, I can't let that go unchallenged, now can I? At least he agreed with me.

My use of pronouns could get confusing, since I refuse to use real names online. Especially if I'm ever going to have people I actually know reading this. I'll try to stay clear on who is who.

Ok, more randomness. What's with the relationship shows on cartoons lately. We have Danny Phantom, a show that frankly I don't watch, but happened to see a few times, with an episode where he falls in love with Sam for one episode. Then Kim Possible in an episode where she (and Shego, if you belive it) loses it for Ron (Shego loses it for Drakken, which is more disturbing. I've been compared to Shego, and took it as a compliment, she's let me down, even if she didn't really mean to). Did hyper "shipper fanfic authors" send in these scripts or what?

Way too much TV talk in this entry. I apologize for living my life in front of the idiot box on weekends. Maybe this Wed. I'll write my thoughts on "Lost."
Really being sarcastic today, watch out. (Shego, what have they done to you? Your hair was in a ponytail!)

Saturday, October 09, 2004

I can't read that stuff

I hate "net speak" or whatever they call that stuff that people type that isn't realy words. I can take it in small doses, like "cuz" or LOL, but when it's the whole message I can't stand it. I personally don't see why they can't put out the miniscule effort of typing out real words. It seems to me that it takes more effort to come up with that stuff. I don't get it.

I suppose I'm a bit of a grammar freak. Not much of one, since I'm quite sure that I make some mistakes pretty often. Mistakes that would make a real grammar nut scream. I do, however, correct people on TV when they use "myself" in all the wrong places. That and when they use "I" when they should say "Me". I think last year at college, one of the speakers made such a mistake and I wrote in code all over my note page how he was wrong. I'm so glad my friend taught me that code, I'll probably use it for the rest of my life. It might come in handy, my mom has been using a code on her Christmas lists for as long as I can remember. That way we don't know what she's bought for us. I may do the same when I have kids.

Speaking of kids, my friends joke that my children will have larger vocabularies than all their friends. I admit, I do use larger than necessary words at times. I've actually stopped a little since I met them. Since I was a hopeless, friendless geek before I met them, I spent my time reading, and when you do that you pick up words that are slightly cumbersome for everyday use. But I do intend on having children who speak well. I think I'm a snob.

Found out a friend of mine likes Gamecube. I've got to get him to play some games with some other friends of mine. We three need another opponent at Smash Bros. and I think he'll fill in nicely. If only all our schedules work out.

But it won't happen today. Today is my recharge day. I've been going non-stop for a month. I'm not doing a dang thing today. All I'm doing this weekend is church tomorrow morning. I think I'm obsessed with our church. I hate missing sundays. I used to hate church. Really hate it. But then I went to Bible college (that was a shock for me, I'm not the "Bible College Type") and found the church we go to now. I really like it.

Wow, did I ever get off topic. From complaining about net speak to saying how much I love my church. Weird me...

Till next I write!

Friday, October 08, 2004

I hate that radio station

At work, we listen to a radio station that plays Contemporary Christian Music. I hate CCM. In a broad sense, that is. I don't know, it's like this station gets all the moronic, mind-numbing CCM that has little to no basis in scripture, sung by the people who can't sing. There are a few good songs, by people I actually like, like Jeremy Camp or some Newsboys songs, but on the whole, it's horrible.
If I hear "Beauty of Simplicity" one more time, I may just growl.
Thankfully, it's now the weekend. I can listen to whatever I want. Currently listening to Jadon Lavik, who ,frankly, is borderline bad. Actually, I don't like most of his songs, but "Saved by Grace" is good.
Thanks to Itunes, I can switch from Christian, to Jazz or Rock or whatever.
I may be a born-again Christian, but that doesn't mean I have to like CCM. It also doesn't mean I need to listen to nothing but Hymns. I do know some people who feel they shouldn't listen to secular. That's fine for them if that's what God wants for them. God hasn't told me to dump all my jazz and pop. If He did, I would. That's what being saved is about, a personal relationship with God, not rules and regulations that encompass an entire body of people. Sure, there are things that aren't ok for anyone to do, like adultery and gossip etc. But secular music, in my mind, isn't one of them.

In other news... I didn't go to youth group last week. A few friends dropped by, so we hung out at my house and played video games. Very cool.

Till next I write.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Hair color and old friends

Saw a friend of mine that I hadn't seen in, oh, probably a few months. She took me by surprise, too. I was just walking down the hallway to work, weaving my way through students finishing for the day, when I look into the 2nd year room and there she is!
For not seeing each other for so long it sure was hard to think of things to talk about... except my new hair color. It's red! I got it dyed last night, and it's much lighter than I expected. Fortunately for my self-esteem, comments were positive.
Some reactions were downright funny, got one "Oh wow!" and a double take. My boss actually said, "This looks cool, did you get it done last night?" I suppose I could have gotten it done the morning before I showed at work, but it still seemed a strange question. She might have just been making small talk.
Apparently my friend and I are going to my church's youth group this saturday. I'm way too old for youth group, and I don't enjoy being in a crowd of strange (as in I don't know them, not as in weird, though as far as I can tell, they aren't exactly normal) teenagers. I didn't like most teenagers when I was one, yet all my current close friends are teenagers. I know a few acquantances who are Twenty-somethings, but somehow on a one-on-one level, I like teens. Just keep me from groups of them.
To be perfectly honest, I don't like groups of any age group. I'm just not one for crowds I guess.
I need to get a car, I also need to start driving. If I drove, my mom wouldn't need to cart me around like a 15 year old anymore.
Just a little more $$$ and I can buy my "dream car"