66 is now the most evil number I know of.
That said, I went to a midnight showing of Star Wars Ep3 last night. What a once in your life experience. Between the excitement, the caffeine, the sugar and the atmosphere I felt like I was in a dream. A very surreal dream. I saw Darth Vader dancing with the most dorks I've ever seen assembled in one place, I also saw him hit a beach ball to a crowd of cheering fans in a movie theatre. I watched adorable little children fighting with lightsabres! I listened to a countdown from a very excited friend at the end of the aisle. I even saw a stupid trailer for "The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl". I think that last thing was what made it so very odd, really. *wink*
I think what made it such a memorable night, in addition to the movie, was the conversations that we, as in our group, had. We were hyper, and talked about trivial stuff, but still, it felt like a bonding experience. Maybe I'm crazy, but I feel closer to those friends now.
The movie itself... Oh my gosh. Quite literally, when I got out to the car, that was all I could say. "Oh my gosh." Once the end credits started going, I turned to my friend, to hear her reaction, but I got silence. I managed to say, "I don't know what to think." Because, frankly, when you've waited this long for a movie, and it's after 2 in the morning and you realize it's really over, you really, really don't know what to think.
The lasting impressions, that I remember now: the music was amazing. When the whole "Order 66" thing starts, the music just blows my mind. I've never been so close to crying in a Star Wars film before. Anakin is stupid, Obi-Wan is awesome. I have long been a fan of Obi-Wan. This film just cemented it. General Grievous disappointed me. I got tense during "The Duel", and Obi's words after it, well, they broke my heart.
So, overall, I think I got too wrapped up in this film. I will see it again, sometime soon I hope, and maybe my opinion will change, maybe it won't. I just know that this was an unforgettable night, and I will tell my grandchildren about it. *smile*
Till next I write!
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Bad habits are usually pretty weird. Why would someone want to bite their nails, or pick their nose anyway? Obviously, I don't do either of those. I'm not sure of any "bad" habits that I have. Nervous habits, on the other hand, I've got a couple.
I scratch the back of my neck when I'm nervous. I noticed this back when I started Bible College. Whenever I met someone, my left had would end up at the back of my head, just where my hair starts. At the end of the school day, I felt like I'd scratched it too much. I'd try to stop, but it looks strange to suddenly whip your hand out from behind your head for no reason.
I look away from people when I speak to them. I look right at them when they talk, but the instant I begin to reply, I look away. Usually to the right. I don't know why.
Nervous laugh. I hate when I hear nervous laughter. So, it's really bad that I do it at times.
I say "Uh" and "Um" when I leave messages on answering machines. I don't know if I do it in normal conversation, but I know for a fact that I do it on answering machines.
I don't end sentences. Or I trail off without finishing. I've noticed that I try to use "So" as an end to a sentence. Ex: "I liked that movie, so..." Rather then "I liked that movie."
I only bring this up because this message board I go to had an old discussion of bad habits. It was old enough that I didn't want to resurrect it, but I found it interesting enough to talk about. Besides, all blogs need a series of boring, personal reflections that only the author and a few weirdos would find interesting. Grant me mine, would you?
Bored habits are funnier. I can't think of any of mine (besides guy watching, but all girls do that). A guy I work with has all kinds of bored habits. He plays with his knife, pulls the little plastic ring off of soda bottles, sings randomly. Actually, I'm not sure if that last one is a boredom thing.
One of my friends plays with her food. I've seen some interesting creations from these sessions. It's always entertaining.
I'll end your suffering now.
Till next I write
I scratch the back of my neck when I'm nervous. I noticed this back when I started Bible College. Whenever I met someone, my left had would end up at the back of my head, just where my hair starts. At the end of the school day, I felt like I'd scratched it too much. I'd try to stop, but it looks strange to suddenly whip your hand out from behind your head for no reason.
I look away from people when I speak to them. I look right at them when they talk, but the instant I begin to reply, I look away. Usually to the right. I don't know why.
Nervous laugh. I hate when I hear nervous laughter. So, it's really bad that I do it at times.
I say "Uh" and "Um" when I leave messages on answering machines. I don't know if I do it in normal conversation, but I know for a fact that I do it on answering machines.
I don't end sentences. Or I trail off without finishing. I've noticed that I try to use "So" as an end to a sentence. Ex: "I liked that movie, so..." Rather then "I liked that movie."
I only bring this up because this message board I go to had an old discussion of bad habits. It was old enough that I didn't want to resurrect it, but I found it interesting enough to talk about. Besides, all blogs need a series of boring, personal reflections that only the author and a few weirdos would find interesting. Grant me mine, would you?
Bored habits are funnier. I can't think of any of mine (besides guy watching, but all girls do that). A guy I work with has all kinds of bored habits. He plays with his knife, pulls the little plastic ring off of soda bottles, sings randomly. Actually, I'm not sure if that last one is a boredom thing.
One of my friends plays with her food. I've seen some interesting creations from these sessions. It's always entertaining.
I'll end your suffering now.
Till next I write
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