I am in love.
Oh, don't worry, poor silent secret admirers of mine, I'm not in love with a person. I'm in love with a movie, yet again. (Pardon me a moment to be amused by the thought of me being the object of a secret admirer, the thought is quite humorous to me)
Being a fan of Jane Austen, and even more a fan of Pride and Prejudice, I absolutely
had to see the new adaptation with Keira Knightely and Matthew MacFadyen. I adore the mini-series from 1995, and frankly, couldn't imagine anything less than 6 hours could do justice to the story. How glad I am that I was wrong.
Now, I am a fan of Bride and Prejudice, but I don't think I actually took that movie seriously. It's a musical for Heaven's sake! How am I supposed to take a musical adaptation of Austen seriously? So, I knew I was capable of enjoying a shorter P&P.
The Mormon updated adaptation was insufferable. I found it mind-numbing and insulting. I have only seen it because it was on one of our movie channels one Saturday. If I had paid money to rent that atrocity I'd have more than likely cussed. It's not that I dislike updates, I find Clueless (an update of Emma) rather entertaining, though not inspiring by any means.
This new P&P was.... Enchanting. From the moment it started I was absorbed into the world of this movie. The casting of the parts was perfect (except for Whickham who made me think of Orlando Bloom), even if Bingley had red hair. I don't mind the fast pace of it, or the omission of certain characters.
The music is wonderful, and if you are a fan of soundtracks I suggest you drop everything and run off to buy it now. You heard me, NOW! This blog will still be here when you get back! Ha ha! Actually, as soon as I got home from the theatre I did purchase the soundtrack from Itunes. It's absolutely beautiful.
As the credits rolled, I turned to my mom and said, "I'll end up having 3 different Pride and Prejudice movies. The mini-series, Bride and Prejudice and now this one." One for any sort of mood, long or musical or short. Does life get better? Of course it does.
I plan on seeing the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe on opening day. I have only seen one adaptation of this lovely little book all the way through. It was the animated one. I have, however, read the book many times and simply love it. I hope the movie lives up to it. I'm sure I'll tell you either way.
Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, God Loves You!
Till next I write!