Dear friend,
Here's a meme I stole from Livejournal. (I told you I go there a lot)
Just like the subject says, here goes...
How many tracks? 1,913
Sort by Artist:
First artist: "Weird Al" Yankovic (thanks to the quotation marks)
Last artist: The Zombies
Sort by Song Title:
First song: Well, the first track is "Jabberwocky" but the first proper song is (Everything I do) I do it for you by Brandy. (Hey, it says tell the truth no matter how embarassing)
Last song: Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah
Sort by Time:
Shortest song: Main Title from LOST at :16
Longest song: Well, the longest track is a teaching by Andrew Wommack at 1:18:17 but longest actual song is Alloway Grove by Paulo Nutitni at 14:12
Sort by Album:
First Album: #1's by Mariah Carey
Last Album: I have about 12 tracks with no Album, but the last album really listed is You Picked Me - Single by A Fine Frenzy
Random questions:
First song that comes up on Shuffle: Bedshaped by Vittorio
How many songs come up when you search for "sex": 0
... when you search for "death": 4
... when you search for "love" : 162 (I am such a sap)
There, wasn't that fun? Try it, it will be interesing.