Dear Friend,
Yes, I did catch Time Crash on Youtube. How could I not, since, despite not really watching Dr. Who, my two favorite doctors meet. I've been watching some DW, and find that, shock, I don't like it. Not at all. I need to have something else to do while it's on because it doesn't hold my attention. When it does I tend to think, "This is too creepy to be enjoyable." so I don't really know why I keep trying.
Well, actually, my friend, I do know why: David Tennant is cute. On top of that it's the longest running sci-fi show, it must have something going on for it. It helps that this doctor wears Chuck Taylors, the world's coolest shoes. Whenever I wear my light tan/off white chucks I think of them as my "Who shoes." Yes, I'm a dork.
Anyway, friend, I didn't necessarily begin to write to talk about DW. Actually, I may have. I realized a couple of weeks ago that Netflix noticed I had a "thing" for Peter Davison. It's like the program that recommends things to users looked at my queue and said "Man, this dude's in nearly everything at the top of her list. Let's recommend more!" And so, in the top suggestions for me the had classic DW, and At Home with the Braithwaite's. Both programs that I know I have no intention of watching. (I may relent on the classic Who, though)
I found out that Peter was the voice of Mole in a Wind in the Willows Christmas special I saw as a kid only once and liked. Now I want nothing more than to see it again, sadly it's not to be found on DVD.
So, Friend, how is your Thanksgiving weekend going? I've enjoyed the time off, and thank God that I don't work retail. I can't imagine what it's like to work in a store on Black Friday. I hope yours goes very, very well.
Feel free to watch Time Crash, here: