Dear Friend,
Well, friend, I have quite decidedly made up my mind that I will not be returning to this school next school year. I am not quite sure why I was there this year, I just know that's where I feel God led me, and now I just have to trust him to lead me again next year.
I've felt drawn to studying or pursuing art as a career. I have no concrete plans yet, but I'm considering it. One particular reason, I suppose, is that I wish I'd studied animation simply to work at Pixar.
I bought "To Infinity and Beyond: The story of Pixar" about a month ago and recently read through it. I knew I liked this company before, but I think I adore it now. I didn't know about Ed Catmull before, and didn't know much about John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton or even Brad Bird before I read this book. I didn't know very much about the difficulties of the medium or even how an actual hand-drawn animation background could help in computer animation.
This book is so informative that even trying to sum up the specific things I've learned would take far too long, and might be tedious to those who aren't rabid fans like me. Personally, I found the story of the start of this studio and even the people who work there to be inspirational. I love that these people knew what they wanted to do and just pursued it. Despite discouragement they persevered.
Talent isn't enough, determination and inspiration are requirements.
If only I'd had some focus, maybe I'd be living in California working at the coolest company I've ever seen.
Well, I'm not doing that. I'm at yet another time of change and uncertainty. I guess there are a lot of those in life, huh? Come on new bend in the road!