Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Piece of Cake!

Dear Friend,
Oh my! I didn't post at all in the month of August? Obviously I was too busy watching TCM's Summer Under the Stars programming. Perhaps, there will be more on that later, but not tonight.

I finished Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box tonight. I'm still smiling from the ending. I'm not usually the "tragic" romance type, but dang, that was sweet. Toward the second half of the story if I couldn't solve the puzzle within a few seconds I went looking for cheats because it was getting in the way of the freaking story! And I wanted my story NOW!!!!!! Yeah, I'm not sure if the story was even that good, but it was certainly intriguing tonight. That, and I loved "Anton's" voice. I didn't expect it, after seeing pictures of the character all through the game, but it was a great voice. And the movie parts were cool, I loved the animation.
Every time Luke finished a puzzle correctly and said "Piece of cake!" I wanted to run out and eat cake. He didn't say it like it was easy, he said it like he saw an actual piece of cake. So now, I believe I must bake a cake.

Speaking of cake; (nice segue, there, huh?) I've decided to make a cake that looks like a pineapple. It may or may not taste like pineapple, since I haven't decided on that yet. I'm completely new at making cakes that look like anything other than cakes, so this will be an adventure. Besides, I've owed myself Cookies on a Stick for a long time, so those may have to come first in the baking priority list. The Pocky is waiting and everything...

In other news... found a local school that has a program for what I was looking into, so I may be going to school soon. I just have to pray, work out how to pay for it and how to get there...
"Fun" she said with a sarcastic lack of enthusiasm.