Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Princess and the Frog

Dear Friend,
I saw Princess and the Frog today. Now, let me preface this by saying I wasn't especially looking forward to this film. Frankly, I was torn. As an animation fan, and one who loves hand drawn animation in particular (though Pixar has won my heart even with it's computer animation) I was pleased to see Disney returning to it. (Whoever bought into the piece of garbage lie that "audiences only want to watch computer animation" was a moron.) But on the other hand, the film was set in New Orleans and was proving to be filled with Voodoo. I've got a big enough issue with generic "magic" in movies, but Voodoo is a little too real for me, you know? On top of that, there was the issue with making Tiana black, and all sorts of people complaining about whatever they could find to complain about there. But that's a long story I don't feel like going into.

Anyway, friend, I wasn't expecting much from this movie. On top of that, I had been in a very bad mood and that made me extremely cynical and critical when I sat down in the theater. In fact, I hated the previews before the movie, except for the Toy Story 3 preview (I'm so there!) and the Disney Nature Oceans preview. (Side note, this bad mood has affected me in a way that I am crying at the drop of a hat, so I teared up at both of those previews. At the beginning of the TS3 trailer, with the sad song, and at the "I am wonderful" song part of Oceans. I sometimes hate being weepy.)

So, most people know the premise of this story. A prince winds up being turned into a frog by some evil, magical person and needs a princess to kiss him and break the spell. Well, in this version, the prince in question, Prince Naveen, is actually a self-centered, cocky, good for nothing who winds up in the "clutches" of a Voodoo "magician" named Dr. Facilier. (I may have misspelled that, but look at the name, who wouldn't misspell it?) And the "Princess," Tiana, isn't a princess, but she's a waitress who wants to own her own restaurant. Through a slight mix up, Naveen gets Tiana to kiss him, trying to break the spell. Instead, they both end up as frogs.

There, you know the premise. As it's not my personal policy to give away spoilers in my reviews, that's all you get.
After all, I enjoyed the movie. It lifted my horrendous mood a little. I think it was all I needed. I do take slight issue with one of the "good guys" also did voodoo, but that's probably just another instance of Disney being politically correct or what not. I honestly expected the firefly character, Ray, to be something of an annoying stereotype that I would hate. Imagine my surprise to end up loving the character and finding him amazingly inspirational. Trying not to spoil anything, his storyline just about made me cry, and left a bigger impression on me than the A plot. Not to belittle the A plot, I did like Naveen and Tiana. Naveen may be one of my favorite Disney male leads. (Not that he has a heck of a lot of competition. I can think of Prince Phillip and Tramp... yeah, that's it.) Tiana is a good character, too, and surprisingly her spoiled, rich friend Charlotte is a great character. "Lottie" was one of the funniest parts of the movie.

As for the fact that the leads in the film are black, I was glad to see an animated girl with dark, curly hair. I never quite "got" what girls were talking about when they said they were glad to finally have a Disney Princess who looked like them. Probably because I can't imagine the day that they draw a Biracial princess. But sitting in the theater and just realizing that she had curly hair I felt like I liked her more. Silly? Maybe, but undeniably true. There was really only one moment in the film where Tiana's race was made an issue of, and it, apparently, is a blink and you'll miss it sort of thing. As for where Naveen's kingdom of "Maldonea" could possibly be, who knows.

I wasn't too impressed with the music, which isn't great for a Disney film. It wasn't bad music, but there wasn't an earworm in the bunch. I can't remember the tune for a single song from it right now. I did enjoy the song in the credits, though I don't know if I'd admit it out loud, just online.

I loved the look of the film, too. Especially in the song "Almost There." If they had made the whole film look like that I think I would have still liked it. Probably too stylized for an entire movie, though. I though there were a few breathtaking shots, I'll admit.

In the end, I enjoyed it. It wasn't Disney's greatest film, but it was certainly worth watching.