Today, while browsing message boards, I saw this thread that asked what you would insist on having with you on a desert island. Being my weird self, I didn't post a reply to the thread, but instead ran eagerly to my blog to answer the question for myself (and my adoring fans, like I have any).
Anyway, the categories are:
Book/comic book?
Modern Amenity (toilet, shower, air conditioning, etc.)?*
Personal Memento?
And so, I shall begin at the beginning, such a novel idea!
For movie I choose... I can't choose. If I were to cheat, I'd say my DVD collections of Due South. But that, sadly, isn't a movie, and it's (currently) three seperate things. Even if I were to say my Favorite movie, it would still be cheating, since my favorites are Lord of the Rings (a trilogy) and Star Wars (Six in all, if you don't count the Clone Wars cartoons). To choose one out of those nine movies would be like choosing a favorite strand of hair (or maybe not, but close!) Well, let's just throw out all those choices and go with a childhood favorite: Lady and the Tramp.
I'd pick the Bible as my book. Do I seriously need to explain that? If it counts as a book, I'm sneaking a journal along with me. A big one, that will last until the day I die. What will I write about on a desert island? Other than prayers and thoughts about what I read in my Bible, I don't know, I just know that if I don't write sometimes I feel ready to explode. So I'd take a Bible, and a journal.
Now, it is seriously hard for me to choose an album. I tend to get tired of the same CD over and over in a matter of weeks. This is why I finally got an ipod (just a shuffle, but it works well for me, and it's so cute!). But if you will force me to choose one album, it will be Hymns by Out of Eden. It's got praise, it's got slow and mellow, and uptempo and fun and it's just plain good.
Super Smash Bros. Melee for my videogame. Sometimes I just want to press a bunch of buttons and see cartoon characters (more or less) beat the tar out of each other, bloodlessly. Besides, it's one of the only games that doesn't always drive me crazy with unfair computer advantage (Hello Mario Kart Double Dash!!) Actually, I play an awful lot of Mario Golf, too. But still, I'd have to choose SSBM.
Ooh, here comes the question that I've almost dreaded. Honestly, I can't quite choose between my best friend (a girl) and Ray, a guy friend. Now, don't jump to conclusions about me and Ray, we are just friends..... I get along with both of them. I talk easily with them both, I laugh a lot with both, and am always happy to see each of them. I've confided in both of them, too. I see Ray more often than I see her, but that kind of makes times with her more appreciated. However, Ray can bug the crud out of me sometimes, and I've spent about 4 full days with her, and never once thought of saying "Don't you think it's about time you went home, dear?" so I suppose I choose: My Best Friend. (Who obviously doesn't want me using her name here, if you couldn't guess.)
I choose Toilet for Modern Amenity. I can't think of any other important task that would be rendered more disgusting than having to... well, you know... without a toilet.
I was very tempted to claim Mountain Dew as my beverage, but my sense took over and I decided on Water. I could eventually get tired of the taste of Mountian Dew, but water never goes out of style. It's pure, it's healthy, it's great. Sorry if that's a boring answer.
Choosing a personal memento is hard because the question seems to vague to me. If I were to choose the one frivolous thing that I've been so quickly and unexplainably attached to of late, its my Nerds candy pillow. Ever seen those pillows made by "Sweet Thang" lately? I got the Nerds one and a Reese's one. I like the Nerds pillow better because of the size and cuddliness. (Yes, I just made that word up.) But then I considered my photo album. Pictures of family and friends and pets. I could see all the people I love, yet didn't choose to bring with me.
There you go, my answers to a cheezy question. Still a good question, actually.