Sunday, April 17, 2005

Christian Pick-up Lines

It's a little frightening, but I could imagine a couple of my guy friends saying these.

Christian Pick-up Lines:
1) Nice bible.
2) I would like to pray with you.
3) You know Jesus? Me too.
4) God told me to come talk to you.
5) I know a church where we could go and talk.
6) How about a hug, sister?
7) Do you need help carrying your bible? It looks heavy.
8) Christians don't shake hands, Christians gotta hug.
9) Oh you are cold, Ecclesiastes 4:11
10) Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?
11) What are your plans for tonight? Feel like a bible study?
12) I am here for you.
13) The word says "Give drink to those who are thirsty, and feed the hungry," how about dinner?
14) You don't have an accountability partner? Me neither.
15) Do you want to come over and watch the Ten Commandments tonight?
16) Is it a sin that you stole my heart?
17) Would you happen to know a Christian woman (man) that I could love with all my heart and wait on hand and foot?
18) Nice bracelet. What would Jesus date? I mean "do."
19) Do you believe in Divine appointment?
20) Have you ever tried praying at a drive-in movie before?
21) Excuse me, I believe one of your ribs belongs to me.
22) My friend told me to come and meet you, he said that you are a really nice person. I think you know him. Jesus, yeah, that's his name.
23) You know they say that you have never really dated, until you have dated a Christian.
24) Yeah I predicted David over Goliath.

4) God told me to come talk to you.
Eh, that would possibly freak me out.

10) Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?
Someone said that to my once, but it was a joke.

13) The word says "Give drink to those who are thirsty, and feed the hungry," how about dinner?
That would get creativity points from me.

16) Is it a sin that you stole my heart?

I don't fall for lines, but if they're that popular, someone must. *shrug*

Till next I write!

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