I was in a park today, a work picnic to celebrate our ministry's anniversary. All of the employees and volunteers were invited, most came which made for a rather large crowd. I, once again, came to the conclusion that I dislike large crowds.
However, it also inspired a question for myself. Who do I have? Not who do I have in a strictly possesive sense, or even in a romantic sense. What I want to know is, who do I have as a real friend. I spent most of the day sitting in the grass watching "normal" people have fun, talk to each other, be friendly. Even when there were people around me, ones I knew or wanted to know, I could think of little to say to them. The two creatures I felt most at ease with were a shy little sheltie dog and a sweet and funny little toddler.
Though I may sound like a friendless loser, I thank God Ray was there, as he allowed me to "follow" him around and he talked to me when he had the chance. I am grateful for Ray, but having one friend is a tad discouraging. Especially when, as far as I know, he'll be gone next year. What then? Who will I walk the length of the park with, while we each speak whenever we think of something to say? (Usually it's Ray who talks anyway)
This is my third anniversary picnic, and the first that I "flew solo". The first two years, I invited someone to come with me. This year I felt a little stranded.
As I thought through my question, I thought of a Barlow Girl song, inspired by Psalm 73. Actually, I only thought of one line, "Who have I in heaven but You?" And I'm sure that many people sing that lyric and just gloss over it, think nothing about it. I doubt that many people actually believe they truly have no one but God.
But stop, think about it, really. Even if someone in your life has promised never to leave or forsake you, unless they are God, they will probably (definitelys?) break that promise. God is the only one who makes that promise who can keep it. (Heb. 13:5) Even if someone truly loves you and intends to be with you forever, things happen that will hinder that. Death, accidents, moving, hurt feelings, fights: any number of things can seperate two people. But nothing can seperate us from the love of God.
I suppose I've gone from "Psalm 73 - My God's Enough" to "Never Alone" now. But isn't that a great promise? God will never leave you. He is more than enough for you.
God wants us to have companionship just as much as we want it for ourselves. I admit, I'm a quiet person who prefers one-on-one interaction, but I know that God will always be there for me, even if no one person ever is again.
Thank God, I think I've just taught myself someting.
Till next I write!
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