I trust everyone has had a decent, if not better, Thanksgiving.
And to those crazies who went shopping on Black Friday, I hope you all had the sense not to get into fistfights over material things.
I have spent my day after the holiday in packing, cleaning, and watching High School Musical. The packing I merely endured, the cleaning I hated, and High School Musical I enjoyed. I shall now go into detail, if you are interested, then do, read on.
As I am moving soon (have I mentioned that? I don't recall if I have) I decided to pack my clothing for the road trip today. I have too many and not nearly enough clothes all at the same time. It's not entirely easy to pack when you have no clue as to how long you'll be living out of a suitcase. It's also hard when you don't have a clear mental idea of how the weather will be where you're going. I've not lived on the East Coast before, I've been living "out west" for about 12 years now. Oh well, change is good.
Now, as to the cleaning. Part of the cleaning I did involved going outside and checking our basement window "wells" and removing debris from them. (BTW, isn't "debris" an interesting word. Silent s's fascinate me... moving on) It's usually just branches or trash that has fallen in, but today I discovered a dead bird in the window to my bedroom. Now, it had to have been in there for quite awhile, but it was tucked into a corner that isn't really visible from inside. Just about a week ago, I seized the opportunity of Ray being at my house to ask him to remove a dead mouse from a different window. I did this because I hate dead animals. In general, I refuse to touch them. However, in the case of this bird, Ray is not often at our house, and besides, he's out of town right now. So, I had to remove a dead bird from my own window. I honestly gagged when I felt it's dead body through the gloves. After I had thrown it away, I actually went into the bathroom and cried. I cried over a wild bird that had been dead for only God knows how long. Man, that was depressing.
On a pleasant note however, I watched High School Musical for the very first time today. How I managed to miss it all this time I don't know. It's been wildly successful and we all know how Disney latches onto cash cows like this one. I found out that it would be on tonight, and decided to sit down and watch it. While I was watching, they were doing this "Pop up" info thing that was a little distracting, but pretty funny. I really enjoyed this little bit of fluff. HSM isn't exactly thought-provoking but it's pleasant and cute. Besides, I rather like musicals. I don't know why, but I do.
Such was my day. I just felt like writing, and posting another pic of Josh Groban, which I found here .
Till next I write!
1 comment:
Yeah, dead animals feel horrible... when I worked at Petsmart I hated having to remove the dead lil' critters. Especially the birds, cuz their head just flops around. So this is Heather by the way...I miss you, I'm sad you are moving.
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