Most girls go through the "boy-band" stage. I was fortunate enough to not be enamoured of Nsync or Backstreet Boys or 98 Degrees. I was head over heels for BBMak. I fought it, really, I didn't want to be into a boy band, but they got me. I still love them, they just don't exist as a band anymore.
As for the members themselves, I can't find a dang thing about Mark Barry (my favorite member...)
Christian Burns is in some group called Inhaler. (Sorry, honey, the "guyliner" isn't fooling me)
But happily, I found that Ste McNally has a site with acoustic samples of the songs he's trying to put on a CD. Here! Ste MAK in all his glory!
His voice was my favorite in the group, and his guitar playing was the best in the group, and so I'm happy as a peach right about now. (That is, if peaches are particularly happy) Sadly, his lyrics are about as mentally challenging as walking through a revolving door. Then again, I don't quite go to pop to think deeply about life, do I? My favorite song happens to be Blue Jeans, sounds oh so original doesn't I? Ok, so maybe I'm needlessly sarcastic, but I really do love the song. Reason for Breathing also happens to be one of the most cliche ridden songs I've ever been subjected to, but I truly think I could listen to this guy sing the users manual for a toaster right now.
I've been listening to BBMak a lot lately. And I just have to wonder why these guys weren't more popular. The songs are fun, the harmony is great, they were cute! That's all that a boy band needs for success, really, isn't it? I blame Hollywood Records for not enough publicity. Sure, they were all over Disney Channel after their first CD came out, but the second CD was barely advertised. That sucked. Maybe the world just wasn't/isn't ready for a boy band that doesn't do choreographed dances. Well, it's hard to do all that junk when you're holding a guitar. They chose the music over the dance, so there! Yeah, I'm nuts.
What I really think the problem was happens to be the fact that there were so stinking many boybands in the 90s. Every time you turned around there was a new one. They couldn't all survive.
I'm off to listen to more of "Ste Mak's" songs. (The boy really needs a more normal sounding name. What's wrong with Steve or Stephen anyway? And McNally isn't that hard to say...)
Till next I write!