Now, all this may sound as normal as any shopping trip for anyone. The thing is, I realized that the person I was at my 21st birthday would have been utterly horrified to find that three years later she'd be doing any of this. I know I've mentioned before about how my mind has changed oon certain things, for example, the color pink, wide-leg vs. bootleg (and now "flare") jeans, and now music like the Beatles.
Change is a normal, natural part of life. However, sometimes we stupidly expect everything about our own personality, what makes us us, to stay the same forever. We think we'll be of the same mind from one hour to the next, from one month to the next, from one decade to the next. Whether it's big like religious beliefs or political opinions or it's small like favorite color or prefered style of shoes; we never expect ourselves to change.
Then again, maybe I'm just the only person who wanted to be the same from year to year.
I am glad that I've changed. I haven't changed in essentials. I still place faith in what I placed faith in then, God. Sure, I've trusted in people and ideas that have failed me, I've been wrong on certain things, but the one thing I've "always" believed in hasn't changed. I've learned more and my understanding has grown and changed, but God has never left me or forsaken me, and He never will. I still love what I loved then, I still hate what I hated then. Ha ha, I still think moths are evil. I'm growing.
I'm broadening my horizons. I'm learning. I'm forming my own opinions.
I still compare myself to my past, which I've been doing ever since I finished my first journal. For so long I didn't seem to change. I suppose I'm happy that I seem to be growing now.
What was the point of all this? I don't know.
random confession:
As "rock" as I try to be, I've got about as much "edge" as a pretty, pink, bubble gum bubble. I will always love pop music.
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