I watch so many hour long television shows that movies now test my patience. Perhaps the problem is actually with the movies being unable to hold my attention as long as they ought. There is the chance, however, that my attention span is waning. I doubt that, actually, as I have been known to watch 5 and 6 hour mini-series all in one sitting and love it.
The last two movies I watched had me wondering "When does this thing end?" One of those movies was Spider man 3, and the fact that there were so many different plots going on could have contributed to my distraction. I thought the third was better than the second, but considering my opinion of the second it didn't have to do much.
I finished watching "Song of the Thin Man" a few hours ago. It was a good movie, but I expected the ending about halfway through.
Random change of subject, I love white German shepherds. I know they have a reputation of being dangerous, but the only one I've ever been acquainted with was the sweetest doggie I've ever known. His name was Jake, the only dog I've ever had. He killed spiders with his nose, and that was only one of the many reasons that he rocked.
Another random change of subject: I chose a great time to get obsessed with Gilmore Girls! I watched for the first time on the very day that the show ended. I didn't watch the final episode, I watched a rerun on family channel. I adored it, though, and now the season sets are running through my netflix list like crazy. I adore the dialogue. The aspect of the mother/daughter relationship is relatable for me. I love my mom but no one gets under my skin like her. She and I watch together, which makes it even more real sometimes. I missed that boat for 7 years, how did I manage that?