I'm at one of those times in life that everyone experiences, I think. I need to make a choice between something that could be perfect for me, or take a chance that something even better might be just around the bend. It's a hard, though somehow nice, place to be. I almost feel as though all the world were before me, but if I make the wrong choice then I'm screwed. Lots of prayer...
I had yet another of those dreams. Not heart breaking, or even sad. It made me curious to write and ask how the "crush at first sight" was doing. In the dream he apparently was engaged, and the "lucky girl" wasn't me. I won't ask anyone how he is, it would be a little too embarassing. I'll just go along, as I had been until this morning, rarely thinking of him, until finally I think of him no more. I do find it odd to dream of him now.
Besides fasting secular music I am also fasting soda and "sweets". I could have given a million dollars for a chocolate chip cookie today. Last weekend I'd have paid that for a Mountain Dew. I'm in the final week, though, and to give up now would be depressing. Winners never quit and quitters never win. Didn't some 80's cartoon tell us that? Or something?
I miss people today, probably because most of my CO friends were in the dream I had. I hope they're all well and happy.