Dear friend,
"What is it with men and 'The Godfather'?" Ah, my friend, "You've Got Mail" is on HBO right now. As always I saw it on the guide and had to watch it. I always do, even if it's only the final few minutes of the film, I turn it on. "I was eloquent! S**t!"
Guess what, my friend, I had a job interview today. The only school at which I dropped a resume last Friday called me back this morning and invited me down to interview. It's remarkably likely that I shall be shaping the minds of three year olds this school year. If you had asked me even last week if I thought this would happen I'd have been doubtful. It seems God is bringing things along very nicely and very quickly. Praise God, and please, God, give me strength. I adore little kids, but dang if they aren't a handful. They're sweet, but this will be a challenge. Pray for me, friend, I'll need it.
The Mr. Opportunity ads are on TV again. The random occurrences of Rob Paulsen's voice are pleasant.
Have a great day, my friend. I'll talk to you soon.