Dear friend,
Aren't you excited about Christmas? I am. I love Christmas, just the sight of a tree ornament or a string of lights and I feel like grinning. I love carols, too. I'm a sucker for Christmas.
I've heard of a lot of carols lately. Did you know that despite so many songs claiming so, Angels don't sing. At least, the Bible never describes them as singing. They talk a lot, but never sing.
Psych has a Christmas special this Friday. I so must be there. I just had a mini marathon with the 2nd disc of my season 1 set. So fun.
I'm in charge of decorating the classroom, my friend. I've done a little shopping, but mostly I plan on raiding my family's well stocked holiday collection. I just want to post to take advantage of my new winter colorscheme and layout. Pretty, don't you think?