Dear Friend,
I survived Valentine's Day. Spending that particular holiday with 3 and 4 year olds is pretty fun. They get a kick out of getting and giving Valentines to their class mates. They get more of a kick out of having a "party" at the end of the school day, right after the nap.
LOST that night was pretty good too. To have yet another random confession I kinda "heart" Daniel Faraday. I don't know why, at all. I just... do. I sort of consider him my trade-off for killing Charlie. I'm odd that way I guess. I'm interested in the mystery of this show again, and want desperately to know what happens to the people who are not part of the Oceanic 6. Especially after this latest episode where Kate has Aaron. That's just messed up.
Had news of the "crush at first sight". He's doing well, it would seem. Plus, he's not married. Yet. I didn't find a way to really ask if he was engaged without the person I was talking to getting suspicious/weirded out. Who knows, maybe the guy I was talking to was already suspicious/weirded out. At this point I don't care. It's just that I've had at least three dreams of the guy getting engaged and married and was curious. It's weird.
Had a different sort of dream this morning, involving my brother trying his darndest to get me and this other guy together. The dude was not my "type" though. He had light brown hair, but that's all I remember from the dream. I've actually had dreams about being with or marrying guys with light brown or even blond hair for years. I tend to go for dark haired guys, though. Odd.
Miss Psych.
Miss Chuck.
But I'm glad the Writer's Strike is over! Yippee!