Dear Friend,
I just want to write and encourage everyone to forget, if only for a moment, the worries and cares and problems we're all going through. Find something that makes you smile, something that for at least a moment makes you truly happy. Even the sound of rain on the roof, the sight of a pretty flower, the taste of your favorite dessert, feel of a fluffy cat, the smell of your favorite perfume can do wonders for a mood. Thank God for the small wonders in life. He gave them to us for a reason. He paid attention to the tiniest details, and we should take time to notice them. Counting small blessings can add up to big gladness.
Yes, there are problems with this world, big ones. But there are also many, many beautiful things that can go unnoticed as we worry. No, focusing on something else won't make everything that's wrong suddenly right, but maybe it can give us inspiration to fix what we can. I dare you to try.