Dear friend,
Just going to list a few of the days happenings. Perhaps I shall add a few comments or opinions, perhaps not. Let's see, shall we.
Woke up, fell asleep, woke up. Lather rinse repeat until about 8.
Got ready to go to the state fair.
Walked around fair with parents.
Ate fair food, including fried oreos, which were surprisingly good yet had a strange feeling of settling in a lump in my stomach. Probably won't have them again.
Walked around fair some more. Saw a team of Clydesdale and a wagon, pretty cool.
Avoided the urge to go off on some "Carney" who was whistling to get peoples' attention since it made me think we were all being reduced to the level of common canines. Yeah, I took that too seriously, but I did resist the urge.
Came home.
Cleaned my room.
Watched Chuck. Yay, still love it. Like Casey a little more. Am slightly sad that the Weinerlicious is gone.
Tried to watch Heroes, but left about 45 minutes in. Why is Hiro such a blithering idiot? I used to like him, he was just about the only thing keeping me watching, now I'm done. Hiro was the last straw.
Watched Life. I was really into this episode, then at the last commercial break all sound goes away. All of it, but then the background noises come back, but no dialogue. If Dad didn't know how to get closed-captioning, I'd have been miffed. More than miffed, actually, since I am currently miffed.
Came upstairs, went to Facebook to be generally disappointed, yet again. I apparently can't connect with people. Where do I sign up to be a hermit? Can hermits own cats? Can I be a cat lady/ hermit? That would be cool with me. Or not.
Do I sound bitter? I shouldn't, it wasn't a bad day. Now I'm watching Due South and summing up the day here, in a vaguely passive aggressive way.
I'd better stop.
God bless and keep you.