Dear friend,
Strangest of things, I have nothing in particular to write about. I'm merely trying to stay awake until a show comes on, this late Friday night.
I finished watching the DVDs of the television show "Life" earlier tonight. I missed the entire first season because I was trying to sleep when it came on. I still find it strange that the prime time segment of television is one hour later on the eastern half of the country than it is in the western half. Who really stays up to watch the 11 o'clock news? Anyway, I enjoyed Life, but I don't think I could get engrossed in it like my other shows. I was certainly captivated by the story, but I don't think it's the sort of show I could watch over and over again.
OK, I just had the weirdest thought. It's natural to type as I think. I remember in school, when I had to learn how to type I thought I'd never be able to do it. What really made it natural for me was to go into chat rooms, usually talking about cartoons, and being the verbose and loquacious nerd that I am I had to learn how to type quickly to keep up with the other not so wordy participants. Now I can, and actually am doing so now, watch television and follow the dialogue and plot while I write out my thoughts. Though my tiyping still isn't perfect, it's an extreme difference from what was.
As you can tell, change intrigues me. Yet I can't take it calmly when it happens too quickly. Slow change, so subtle that you don't notice it, is pretty awesome to me.
I should probably stop writing, before I stop making any sense whatsoever.