Dear Friend,
I have been tossing around the idea of participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, google it for fun) this year. However, I don't know that I can come up with an idea that justifies an entire novel, or dredge up that much dedication or an attention span that will last an entire month, or keep such an activity from pulling yet more time from activities I should be doing instead, i.e. laundry, cooking, dishes, vacuuming; you know the sort of things that keep a house livable for all involved. I've already got so many things that I want to do, creativity and artsy sort of things, that I don't know that attempting to write a novel in 30 short days is wise. I've got (at the moment I'm typing this up) 4 more minutes until the month begins. I suppose there's always next year, but we don't know that for sure do we? Suppose they do away with the concept in '09! Suppose Christ returns before then! Suppose, well, suppose anything you like. Is this the way I'll carpe the diem this year?
Probably not.
I've become somewhat hooked on Deviant Art. It's a great site for those inclined to wish they were frighteningly talented artists (which I wish I was) or those inclined to learn how to draw or paint by looking at what other people who do draw or paint do. (which is something I myself do, Wow!) Honestly, the best sort of "lessons" I ever got in drawing was by sitting next to and watching a very talented friend of mine during classes in college. You know, when I should have been listening to lessons. I think that's part of what I love about drawing though, you can draw while listening to someone talk. Kind of like Tetris, I love tetris because I can listen to music while I play and not feel like either the game or the music is slighted.
But anyway, DevArt. I don't have a scanner of my own, so I don't have an account there yet, but maybe someday. Seeing some "fan art" has gotten me to look at a few things differently, such as the Animaniacs and the Mad Hatter. (Spell check is loving me and my non-words tonight, I tell ya) Most of the people I follow closely are or were students in art school. I just don't want to go to art school, I like finding my own ways of drawing. Besides, unlike the Warner brothers, and sister, I don't like drawing naked people.
As you can probably tell by my randomness, (oh, my goodness, apparently, according to spellcheck, randomness is a real word, whereas spellcheck is not) and run-ons it's late, and I'm slightly giddy. If I decide to write a novel, I can start now.
Dear friend, sleep, like me, is your friend. I will now attempt to become better acquainted with it.