Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Valentine's Day post

Dear Friend,
I guess I need to do an obligatory Valentine's post.
I need to play Animal Crossing: City Folk, today. I need to see if my fake, animal neighbors love me. I'm still waiting for Bones to move into my town, I miss that dog. I've had him in the original and in Wild World, and he was my bestest friend each time. I need him back. Anyway...
I had an interesting V day. I was with my parents all day. I had lunch with them, went to the store with them and went to the Science museum with them. It doesn't feel like a holiday. I was amused by the sight of a mug in the shape of Darth Vader's helmet filled with Hershey's Kisses. If that doesn't scream Be Mine I don't know what does.
My DVD player isn't cooperating lately. It, thankfully, doesn't freeze while playing, but on the menus it sometimes refuses to do anything. It won't even turn off. It makes me move a shelf full of DVDs to get to the power outlet and unplug it. It seems to hate my double sided discs in particular so it's super annoying when I try to watch Avonlea or Freakaziod. (Spell check just loved those two titles)
I am so tired. There, I've made the holiday post. Have a happy everyone!

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