Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Don't read this if you didn't see LOST on 4/29

Dear LOST,
You already killed off my Charlie, remember that? Then you killed Charlotte, my favorite man's only chance at love, remember that? Now you kill off MY FAVORITE CHARACTER!!! Are you kidding me? Do you enjoy killing my soul? Do you take pleasure from causing me to mentally cuss, coming just short of dropping some vile language in the presence of my parents? Do you? Huh?
I go for weeks and weeks of wondering, "Where's Daniel? What happened to my Faraday? I miss my Danny boy." And then, I get so happy because, ta da, Daniel Faraday is back! Yay!
And then what do you do? You have his own mother shoot him in the back! The back! His horrendous mother, sent him to the stupid island to shoot him in the back! And she knew she would do it! Because she'd already done it! Are you kidding me????
Also, please stop having my favorite characters die absolutely stupid deaths! He walks into a group holding a gun and doesn't expect someone, anyone to try to take him down? That's just idiotic. And his idiocy killed him.

If I hadn't invested 5 years into following this show tonight would have been my last show, but it's like I can't quit now and for that I hate you.

Same time next week? Yeah, I thought so.

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