Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Day 3 of NaNo

Dear Friend,
I've written 7,885 words in my novel as of today. Since in order to definitely finish 50,000 words in 30 days you need to do 1,667 words a day, I am ahead of schedule. Since I know I can't write every single day, especially when we visit my Mom's family at Thanksgiving, I wanted to do 3,000 words a day, and am therefore behind schedule. I didn't get to write as much during the day as I wanted to since I went out to vote and run errands today, and then after dinner the idea of writing more for a few hours was not appealing so I played Sims3.

As far as the storyline of the novel, it's kind of boring. I am enjoying it, but I can recognize that not much has happened. The strange thing is I've added two characters I had no intention of adding. I always thought that people who said that characters in their stories did things they didn't plan on them doing were strange. But now I know, they really do.
I came up with a character named Evan to simply fill in an empty "space" at a party, and so far not a day has gone by that I haven't written yet another scene with him. He's not even a nice character! He refuses to talk to my main character because he doesn't like her, but he keeps popping up. Weird.
On top of that, I added a character I had "edited out" during the planning phase. It complicates things because it now will end up seeming like three different men fall hopelessly for my main character and that's a little much even for me. It was supposed to be a love triangle, not a rectangle. Dang.

Saw one of my old students in the elementary school I voted in. He looks almost exactly the same, which is a little weird for a 5 or 6 year old I haven't seen since he was three. I guess he was a little taller, but that's it.

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