Sunday, January 09, 2011

Just Watched Downton Abbey pt. 1

Dear Friend,
I did enjoy the first part of Downton Abbey. There was only one thing about it that I didn't really enjoy. I spent at least half an hour looking at a character saying, "You're gay, right? You're totally gay," and then found out that I was right. It took my out of the plot, and both parties involved were each wholly unlikable. As far as everything else went, I was interested in what was going on, and had the proper reaction to each of the characters. I often have trouble following plots with an abundance of characters, and I am slightly unclear on a few things, but overall I believe I know what's going on.
I'm slightly annoyed by the storyline that a certain character is unused to the lifestyle of a very rich person who has servants running around their house and feels that they are "better" than the rich person because they are self-reliant. I do appreciate that they showed the heir, the character who holds this view, offending his valet. He seemed to realize in that moment that even though he felt the man's job was silly, and he said so, it wasn't silly to the valet; it was all he knew in life, and very important to him. I'm interested to see how he adjusts to this life he'll most likely be saddled with.
The eldest daughter I'm not sure how I feel about. I can't tell if we're supposed to sympathize with her or think that she's a useless piece of vain baggage. Well, it's part one, so I'm sure the rest of the series will shed more light on her character.

There were many clever and quotable lines, though in classic "me" fashion, I've forgotten most of them already.

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