I've never played a Sims game in my life. That may change once My Sims comes out. It looks so adorable! I've long been a fan of Animal Crossing (a town just isn't a town until Bones lives in it!) and this looks similiar without being a knockoff. It probably doesn't look like a knockoff because it's from an established franchise. Oh well.
I love Pearls before Swine. It's hilarious. Really, it is. Rat is wonderfully selfish, rude, and wrong. Pig is gloriously naive and sweet. And the rest of the characters are just as funny. Even if the stupid crocs get annoying sometimes.
Relient K has a new cd coming out, and you can listen to it on their myspace. I adore a couple of the songs, and some are ok. I can't think of any that I've heard that I hate yet.
I love to watch The Office. I tried watching the British original, but besides needing to have the subtitles to understand the accents (rare for me) I couldn't get into the characters. But Pam, Jim, Dwight and even Michael Scott all make me smile. Even if it has sort of turned into the "Pam and Jim: Will they ever get together?" show, I still love it. Great big hug to my brother for getting me hooked.
If you haven't noticed I like LOST. I also like Jay and Jack's Lost Podcast. It's everything a podcast about a TV show should be.
I adore Due South. I miss that show. I go here when I get really nostalgic, but can't watch my DVDs.
Alton Brown is cool and everyone just needs to acknowledge that.
If life didn't get in the way, a good chunk of my money would go toward Daisy Rock Guitars.
Without GameFAQs there are quite a few games I'd never get through.
I think I'm done now. Thanks for reading.