I ought to be writing out e-mails, I ought to be uploading videos, I ought to be home painting (my room shall be orange, and maybe my blog will be in April, but I haven't decided. If you haven't noticed, I've decided to change the color of my blog every month) but I'm writing in my blog for no good reason. I suppose I could justify it by writing about my new home, my new furniture, my new found hatred and loathing of wasps (even more than the dreaded moth) but I won't.
Instead, I talk about whatever the heck pops into my head as I sit here in Panera, downloading stuff from Itunes and eating a cinnamon chip scone. Ahh, the good life.
I enjoyed the covers of Zombies songs by Blake and Chris from this week's American Idol. In a fit of boredom I turned on that show... despite Sanjaya still existing... ugh. I can't really believe I'm buying the originals, yet I am.
Elliot Yamin's debut CD was worth waiting for. I couldn't get it the day it came out, they were sold out. I guess that's what happens when you live in his hometown. They love him around here. He was signing Cd's at a store here yesterday. I didn't go, I don't consider meeting celebrities to be the most amazing thing I could ever do.
Isn't chocolate milk lovely?
I was watching What Not to Wear this morning, and decided that Stacey and Clinton would rip into me with horrific enthusiasm. I hope I never meet them, I like the way I dress. Even if I do still shop in the juniors section.
I hate that my downloads take so long at this Panera, it says I have to wait 4 hours for something to load. If I didn't have a life I wouldn't care, or even better if I had Internet at my house. Sadly, neither of those is the case.
Lewis Carrol is a delightful author. While reading his books and poems I find it hard to believe the bad stories about him. He'd be interesting to talk to. Sylive and Bruno is so much more entertaining than the Alice books that I'm surprised it's not more popular. The Hunting of the Snark is great, "For the snark was a boojum you see."
I think Matt Theissen of Relient K would be cool to talk to. I've never watched him just being him, but just from his song lyrics he seems interesting and thoughtful.
Michael Buble has a new cd coming on May 1! Come on May! Love that man's voice.
I want Internet at my house. I want it now. Screw patience, I'm throwing a temper tantrum until I get it. Oh wait, that won't help anything. Darn.