Ever smiled a sad, sad smile? When you feel that sensation of bittersweet memories of things that, sadly and gladly, never happened? I feel that every time I hear Jason Mraz's You and I Both. The "almost but never really was" sensation is just as comforting as it is hurtful. It makes you feel as though you lack while at the same time you're incredibly blessed.
Then again, maybe I'm the only person who ever feels like that.
But I doubt it.
I allowed a terrible, irreversible, and ultimately harmless thing happen. My ipod dropped into a pan of paint as I was helping paint our sun room. It was in a case, the paint was shallow and it landed face-down at a slight angle. This resulted in painted streaking across the click-wheel or whatever it's called. There's a bit of paint on the screen, and in the hold switch. It plays just as well as it ever did. However, due to the fact that in addition to this "awful" thing, there's a mark across the screen whenever the back light comes on (a result of a fall last January on my birthday) I am now in the market for a new ipod. Thank God for tax returns. I may need to look for a job soon in order to justify replacing a functional though imperfect $250 toy.
I dreamed of the "crush at first sight" the other morning. I think that's why I specifically played Jason Mraz. Someday, he'll leave my head, whether awake or asleep.