Excuse "myself" but when did we banish the word "me"? Last time I checked "me" was a legitimate word with it's own proper usage. In my everyday life, however, few people seem to believe this. Three distinct times this morning my pastor misused the phrase "you and I" as an object of a sentence. "Jesus died for you and I." Well, yes, in a way that's true, Jesus died for us, but if you dropped the "you" out of that sentence you'd sound pretty foolish saying "Jesus died for I."
Not only is it in my church (where it has, by the way, afflicted every person I've seen standing behind the pulpit. They all get it wrong) but also nearly ever TV show I watch. The worst offenders would include "The Apprentice" and daytime court shows or talk shows.
It probably comes from people having a phobia of using "me" after "and." Really, everyone, it's OK to do it, you won't die. Grammar Nazi monkeys won't jump out and attack you for saying "and me." After all, if they haven't attacked you by now for all the mistakes we as a society make in our beautiful yet misused language, they never will.
Thank you, and goodnight.