I watched ten hours worth of television programming today, my friends. And when you break it down, I only watched 3 shows.
I've been telling my mom about Robin Hood since before I started watching it. Today, in honor of "Tax day" they had a marathon of all the episodes that have aired in the US. Since my mom had trouble jumping in at the third episode, I told her in advance that she could start from the beginning today. She also used the time to sort through some paperwork, while I felt unwell and didn't do a thing. She enjoyed it, very much. I, however, having seen them all already was slightly bored and eventually the huge screen of our 60-something inch TV game me a headache. I took a break from looking at everything for awhile, and just listened to dialogue while I used my laptop. Strange, is it not, that a computer screen didn't bother me...
Just as "Brothers in Arms" (current favorite episode of mine) was ending, my dad came home and Planet Earth was starting on Discovery HD. I've been watching that with my dad since it started. I've gotten a little bored with how repetitive it's seemed, though. I feel like every single week I see elephants and hear about the life cycles in oceans. Thankfully, there wasn't an ocean episode tonight, though there were elephants. I adored the birds of paradise, actually. Those and the otters. Quite entertaining watching the otters gang up on an crocodile or alligator, I forget which.
After that, I don't know why I watched the Apprentice. I probably watched it because I've been watching with my mom since the beginning of the season. I don't care who wins, as I hate all of them. Tonight's episode was particularly dull since no on was fired. The task wasn't even interesting.
I'm surprised I'm still capable of coherent thought after such a marathon of the boob tube. Especially now that it's nearing 1 AM.