Dear friend,
I'm not sure exactly which day it is, but some day this week is Teacher Appreciation Day. The school I work at has expanded it to a week. Each day of the week has a different theme for suggested gifts. Today was fruit/snack day. I was given a form last week to fill out with my favorite stuff. I wrote down pineapple partly as a joke. I'm not sure I really love pineapple, I do know I like it OK, but they make me smile, all the time. So, it's pretty cool that I got one, and now I'll have to decide what to do with it. If you have any suggestions, tell me, 'k?
Otherwise, life kinda sucks at the moment. I have to be at work two weeks longer than I thought I did, we have no real plans for the "graduation" we're supposed to do for our students, the teacher I work with is driving me nuts, we got a new student who's trouble and will be getting another tomorrow, and I've been sick since Saturday, I haven't slept through the night for the last two nights, I can't talk because I lost my voice yesterday, and I don't know what I'm going to do for a job or money after this school year. Oh, and did I mention the mouse in the hallway in front of our classroom today? I kind of wish I had made a bigger deal of it and made the visiting prospective parents who were pretty much in each of the neighboring rooms notice it. Yeah, I hate this school that much. I didn't draw attention to it, though. I think it was about to die anyway. It's disturbing to think that I work in a place that has (apparently) vermin. I'd never send my child to this school, it just sucks.
Ahh, that rants done. It feels good to get that off my chest.