Dear Friend,
Went to see Prince Caspian tonight and it's awfully awesome and awesomely awful. I hate that I love this film. Let me explain... no is too much, let me sum up. (OK, I'll stop quoting Princess Bride. Tonight anyway.) It's an entertaining, exciting and engaging movie. As an adaptation of Lewis's book, it's terrible.
I sat there watching moments in the film thinking, "This is wrong! This is so wrong, that never happened. Good heavens, that was AWESOME! But it shouldn't have happened." I decided to just watch it as a film. I can like both the book and the movie.
I do know that quite a few people will be up in arms about the "inaccuracies." All I have to say in response is, go read the book, and try to picture it all literally in a film. That is one short, weird film, dudes. You have to admit the format in the book isn't a good film. It's a good story, but it wouldn't work on the screen. I'm not saying I completely agree with all the changes they made, but it was a good movie.
I'll probably go see it with my Mum next weekend. She didn't come tonight.
OK, so, what I remember of my random thoughts in the movie: "Can I slap Peter, please? He needs it. I want Susan's wardrobe. Why can't Caspian act? I think I love Edmund, in a non-creepy way... anyway. I want to be Lucy. Reepicheep!!! much love for the mouse!"
OK, enough squee. Have a nice weekend.