Dear friend,
Honestly, blogging without reason could get me into "trouble". I have the urge to communicate without any well-thought-out ideas. I've had nebulous clouds of thoughts running through my mind for so long, and I just have a strong desire to write something positive. I feel so surrounded by negative voices and people that if I don't think of something to make me smile I'll surrender to the pessimism.
Even if we do live in such a bad world, I have a good God, an awesome God, who can handle anything I throw at him; who loves me more than I can fathom; who cares for me.
That does make me feel better.
I've been remiss in not recommending a beautiful, touching, marvelous little independent film called Bella. I watched it quite awhile ago, before the summer film season. I heard of this little movie through a few different Christian contacts, one a personal acquaintance and another a ministry. I have to admit, I don't jump onto a film because some religious people say it's faith-affirming, or something like that. Truthfully, I tend to avoid films that Christian organizations rave about. Bella is totally different. I'm astonished that so few people have been talking about it, actually. It's such a good film that I'm afraid to praise it too much and cause excessive expectations from you, my friend. I went into the film without any expectations. I hardly knew the plot. I now think everyone should see this movie. I am refusing to tell you the plot because I don't want someone to think "Oh, that doesn't sound like my kind of movie." and blow it off. It is a good movie. That's all I can say, though I've taken up a paragraph to say it.
For a complete change of tone and topic: I miss having a crush on someone. It's a strange thing to miss, I admit. I don't miss having a job, I don't miss having friends, I don't miss quite a few things. I just miss having a guy that I'm attracted to. If you've been reading long enough, you remember that I was "dead gone" on a guy I referred to as "The Crush". It's been long enough that I don't think of him that often, even when all the little things that used to make me think of him just remind me of how I used to think of him. The thing about it is, I don't know anyone that I would even think of falling for. I haven't even seen anyone I thought was cute since I moved to VA over a year ago. It's strange. It's also why I figure when I find someone I'll know it's God's doing.
I'm weird... and I don't mind that.