Dear friend,
My brother is here for the week and decided that we should transfer home videos onto DVD while we can still use the VHS. It's a good idea, which of course means that we have ended up watching the videos as they transfer. And I can't believe that the little 6 year old that I just saw doing the most basic of gymnastics moves, and skipping back into place after each one, grew up to be me! I honestly don't remember being that enthusiastic about anything, let alone in public where every one's parents were nearby.
I do happen to remember being a "look at me, look at me!" sort of girl when a camera was involved.
It's also fun to see how many different ways my Mom did my hair when I was younger.
It's fun to see my brother, especially in 80's and 90's clothes. I'm certain that a certain pair of sneakers my brother was wearing at my 6Th birthday party are being sold again at Journeys.
It's odd to see your life in clips. I'm now quite sure I won't audition for any reality TV shows. Like I was considering it to begin with. (Haven't found a clip of me developing my sarcasm, but maybe it's there.)