Up until about 2 years ago, I loved Valentine's Day. I was never in a relationship, I just liked it. I usually bought some candy hearts and inhaled them like a pig. (Much like how I don't celebrate Halloween, but love love love candy corn and candy pumpkins)
Two years ago, I don't know what happened. I think I ended up being around people again (I'm a recluse at heart, seriously, I don't like people. There are individuals I love, but people annoy me) and they planted the seeds of dissatisfaction in my sweet little heart.
I don't get why singles feel they have to hate on the holiday.
Last year, in an attempt to enjoy it all, I made an ipod playlist of happy love songs; no heartbreak, no longing, just lovey-dovey junk. I forced myself not to skip a single one. I listened to 81 before I cracked. I don't recommend it.
Lately, my Dad has been going on about how a guy can't "win" on V day. He says all the comercials and print ads make it seem as though he must buy diamonds or he's a cheap scumbag. I suppose that may be so, but if I were with someone right now, my only request or expectation for a gift would be that he sit and watch LOST with me.
Wouldn't I be a relief? I think so.
Hallmark and jewelry stores have sucked the life out of it anyway.