I read a message board topic recently, asking people who owned the Wii when they first started playing video games; specifically how old were they and on what system. I can't remember a time I didn't play video games, to be honest.
If you specifically narrow it down to home console gaming; it would be the Nintendo Entertainment System (nes, for short). There's a chance, though small, that I played my family's Intelevision 2. I also remember playing a computer racing game. Actually, I only remember playing one course, I was really little (maybe three years old or thereabouts) and had memorized that one course. You know, if you consider that playing.
I also have fond memories of an arcade machine in a bowling alley. It was RoadBlasters, and that game rocked. I haven't seen it since, but I loved that game. The time line of my memory is really off, so I don't remember which of these events happened first.
Later, I know we got a Super Nintendo (which I need to check as soon as we unpack and make sure it isn't turning an ugly yellow color...) and I remember playing that.
But the first time I really got into playing video games was when we got our N64. I loved that system. That was when I actually started being able to beat people at games. I was able to win against my brother and two guys friends at Super Smash Bros. even when they all ganged up against me. I loved it. I also beat my brother's high scores at Starfox64, I managed to get his highest score as the lowest of all ten of the listed high scores. Awesome. I was even a decent challenge at Mario Kart 64.
Then came the Gamecube. Sadly, around then I met a guy who was better than me at nearly every game. I still gave him a run for his money, but usually he won. I was able to always beat his sister, though, so it was OK. I don't plan on getting too competitive on the Wii, it's too fun.
I had been really competitive with the N64. My friends accused me of being psycho once. I haven't been accused of that since.
Was there a point to this entry? Not really, just getting the thoughts out of my head.