I ought to be writing e-mails, the problem is, I don't feel like it. I have 4 to reply to and two others (at least) that I have been planning to to write. I don't want to write that much, especially since a heck of a lot of it will be repeating myself to each individual. Oh well, if you're reading this and I owe you an e-mail, I'm sorry, my heart's just not in it right now. You will hear from me soon.
Great news, I now have a day to look forward to. I have a date for moving into a house. No more RV living. 3 months without a bedroom, or a real bed or my stuff has taken a toll on my sanity. So, praise God, I now have a real goal. The time that I will again be in a real house is no longer an abstract concept that holds me just short of going on a rampage, it is now a set, official date.
Another good thing is I found a Wii. Awesome, no? I didn't even have to wait in line for it in the early morning. Costco has become my favorite warehouse store. (If I actually have a favorite warehouse store, that is) It came with Excite Truck bundled in, and I bought Elebits, my dad also bought some FPS that isn't my sort of thing. So, along with Wii Sports (free with every wii!) I have 3 great past times for when I'm stuck in this RV. Can't wait till Super Smash Bros. Brawl comes out, that's 75% of the reason I bought a wii. Now I just need to make friends to play with.
Gamer girl since the N64, and I don't plan on stopping now! Yay!