At Target they are selling a series of CDs called "Influences". I bought two of these CDs, one for Jason Mraz and another for Jamie Cullum. The songs that they have chosen to represent the sounds that inspired them make me wonder why I have more songs by Jamie Cullum than I have by Jason Mraz. I don't own a full CD by either one of them, but I consider them to be two of my favorite musicians.
I'm not entirely sure why I bought the Jamie C, album, I am well aware that his style doesn't always mesh with my taste. I had a feeling I wouldn't find too many songs that I loved, and I didn't. However, I consider his "Your Song" cover to be worth the price of the CD. Add in a Herbie Hancock track and I'm not entirely disappointed.
I love the Jason Mraz disc, I can hear a little of him in each track. It really does make me wonder why I don't like more of his music. The music of his that I like, I love, but everything else I just don't care. As far as the influences go, I love how mellow the tracks seem; and there are so many nice voices.
I've been thinking how in the future some artists will cite people like Britney Spears and Avril Lavigne as their inspiration to go into music. It makes me want to weep, really. But then again, we'll have people inspired by Jason Mraz, Jamie Cullum, John Mayer or other actual musicians. There will always be crud and there will always be quality. There's nothing new under the sun.
I watched three movies today. She's the Man, Just my Luck and By Way of the Stars. That last one won't be familiar to most people. It doesn't deserve to be. It's the worst movie I watched today. In a seemingly endless and extraordinarily absurd plot my life seemed to waste away; but I couldn't stop watching. It was something like a car wreck. She's the Man was the second worst of the day. I really only watched because it was based on my favorite Shakespeare play. Yeah, my favorite play of his is about a cross dressing girl... I'm weird. But anyway, It was also absurd. It didn't really hold my attention. I looked up every now and then to wonder who in their right mind would mistake Amanda Bynes for a guy. Just my Luck was the least horrible. It wasn't a good movie. It was saved only by the fact that I find Chris Pine attractive. I know, not very deep of me, but hey, the dude's cute. His character was sweet as well, which helped. It didn't hurt that the band wasn't too awful, in my opinion, and they had accents.