I had a feeling, an awful feeling, that Charlie, my druggie "bloody rock god", would die a stupid, "What are you thinking? That was dumb! You should have done it this way!" sort of death. And, really, he did. Charlie Pace, you will be missed.
That is, if he's really dead, and with LOST you can hold out a little, tiny bit of hope. Though not much, really.
Anyway, about the fact that the island scenes were the real flashback: I'm such a moron for not realizing that the RAZR phone was a clue that this was all happening after the crash! I noticed the new, snazzy phone, but it didn't click.
Why didn't Locke shoot Jack. I wanted him to. However, I was angry that my "bloody rock god" had just drowned and wanted someone to pay for it. I was displeased with Jack, so he seemed as good a choice as any; after that I'd have chosen Kate just because I can't stand her. Figures that they're the only two guaranteed to live.
Hurley rocks.
Whose casket was that?
So Jack is capable of growing more than five o'clock shadow.
Sawyer is awesome, though not, yet yes. (awful grammar, but I don't care, I mean read the rest of my sentences in this entry, come on) I didn't believe Tom either, dude's too sarcastic to believe.
Way to greet your daughter after 16 years, Danielle. "Will you help me tie him up?" *thumbs up*
I was so worried that Jin was dead. Not Sayid, and certainly not Mr. "I'm a dentist, not Rambo" Bernard. Just Jin.
I'm falling out of love with Des...
Walt, how you've grown...
Why won't that eye patch guy just stinking DIE already!!!
Wah, Charlie's dead!