So... we had some issues with the wireless Internet access in the house and I haven't been able to surf the net in days. Yeah, I could use the desktop, but I no longer feel comfortable spending more than about 10 minutes sitting at a desk.
Bought my new ipod yesterday. Shiny, clean, black pretty little thing that it is. Did they improve the screen resolution on the 5.5? My 5th generation ipod screen never looked this clear. Then again, maybe I'm hypnotized by this little beauty's novelty and "new-ness". I love the search feature. I've only played around with it for one afternoon, but the battery seems to last longer too. Throw in my pretty new pink, hard case and I've got an ipod that's prettier than yours, nyah nyah. OK, just kidding.
Hey, how about the Office season finale? I'll just ignore everything else that wasn't about "JAM" (though it was all great) and say It's about time, Pam and Jim. Now, if the writer's keep things somewhat realistic (not too realistic because that's not what TV is about, anyway) we'll still have some issues that are interesting, engaging and funny concerning them. Please, Office, don't jump the shark.
Surprisingly, Music and Lyrics was really cute. I don't dislike Hugh Grant, he's just boring. He doesn't act, he does the same thing in every single movie, you see one Hugh Grant character you see them all. The same with Drew Barrymore, too, really. But it was sweet and cute and just funny enough not to be bland. If it weren't for the "album only" restrictions, I admit, I'd buy a few of the songs, particularly "Don't Write Me Off". Hey, I never claimed to have "great" taste in music.
I'm so glad Charlie isn't dead. Yet. Darn that "yet"... His flashbacks and story this past week were great. I love him more now. Charlie has always been my favorite LOST character, eventually being tied with Des, but now he's far and away above Des in my heart.
Man, I need to make "real" friends, not the fictional ones...