Dear Friend,
So, you just knew I'd be blogging today, right? If anything, you thought I'd have blogged earlier, right? Yeah, I know. So, let's get down to it: Wall-E was great. That little robot was so adorable! This movie made me cry, dude!
I'll now attempt to look objectively at this film. There was a definite environmental and "green" feel to this movie, what with the world's population evacuating a trash-filled earth and such. There was also quite the message about getting up off your fat a- I mean butt- and observing the beauty of the natural world around you. I, as a bit of a tree-hugger (according to some) had no problem with that, but even if you think that environmental propaganda needs to go the way of the Dodo bird (how's that for irony) you have to admit that these messages should be heeded to some extent. I appreciate that this film didn't verbally attack you with repeated messages like "Reduce, reuse, recycle!!!!! or die!" It was also rather amused at the exaggeration that they used. While you know things would never get that extreme, you realize that, well, maybe in the worst-case scenario, they could.
What was truly great about the movie, though, was the character of Wall-E, and even Eve. You can actually believe that these robots, inanimate objects though they are, have personalities. Wall-E is one of the sweetest little characters I've seen in a Pixar film. He can barely say anything, not much more than his own name and Eve's (which he pronounces as "Eev-ah") and the occasional Ta-da! There isn't a lot of dialogue in the film, really, but it's good storytelling since you don't miss it much. I didn't miss it at all, to tell the truth.
I was pleasantly surprised by the use of live-action actors on screen, but it was done well. I loved the space scenes, as well.
I have no idea if that review was coherent. To sum up, I enjoyed the movie. I will be buying it when the DVD comes out, and expect Wall-E icons to accompany my posts in the future. As I blog I'm looking for icons in another window. Yes, I'm that talented.
I only wish I could have found the soundtrack in a store. I loved the use of music, especially La Vie En Rose with Louis Armstrong. And the two songs from Hello Dolly. Yeah, it was adorable. It was Wall-E's favorite movie, such a sweet little robot.
I re watched Napolean Dynamite tonight, as well. My brother had never seen it. I watched it right after it came out on DVD and found it rather stupid. I watched it again about a year later and smiled a bit. I watched it tonight, and cracked up. I think I just needed to realize that I was in this movie's world, where random rubbish occurs and you're just supposed to laugh at it. It worked tonight.