Monday, June 16, 2008
Dear friend,
I'd forgotten how very dull and low life is in the "in-between times". Those times when you don't have anything pressing to do can be as depressing as they are freeing. I don't know what to do with myself, despite an abundance of required tasks around me. I know this too will pass, but I'm living in the right now, dang it!
I had a sort of realization last night. I want to be in a "Roger and Anita Radcliffe" situation. One of my favorite movies is Disney's 101 Dalmatians. (If you have even a slight interest in animation that film is amazing. The Xerox machine changed animation forever! And the design is captivatingly attractive) The dog's owners were recently married and wonderful together. The moment that sticks into my mind is the scene in which Roger is composing the tune that would ultimately be "Cruella DeVille" and make him a load of money. At this moment in the film, though, he's just upstairs making music. As he comes downstairs the couple has cute banter about the song until the villain arrives at the door. Roger makes fun of the approaching visitor with his new song, as he makes his exit. After Cruella leaves he reemerges from his "studio" still teasing in song. The couple dances and as his song ends the two share a "married moment." You just know that these two love each other, even though they tease and joke, they each take such games as good-naturedly as it is meant. Somehow that animated, fictional couple rings true to my heart.
Another animated couple dear to my heart is "Jim Dear and Darling" from Lady and the Tramp, but I don't think I'll go into detail for that tonight.
In more real, right now news, I've got a Wii Fit. I'm rather dedicated to this little workout program. It has me doing (light) exercise every day for the past week. That's no small accomplishment for lazy little me. I rather like the hula hoop game.
Now that that's all out of my mind...
Goodnight, friend!