Dear friend,
I've just endured some ribbing from my dearly loved brother about the fact that I don't really notice if girls are cute or not. I really don't. Unless someone is strikingly beautiful, I don't notice it. There is also the factor that I have a tendency to like odd looking faces, male or female, so I'm hesitant to call someone pretty. Pretty people aren't always the most interesting people to look at, in my weird opinion.
However, when I think of pretty or downright beautiful women, I think of Grace Kelly. Princess Grace to me was the embodiment of Hollywood beauty and glamour. She was one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.
I also am a fan of Audrey Hepburn. I don't actually tend to think she was that beautiful, but she had very appealing looks. And the woman could wear clothes and make them look amazing. One of my favorite Hepburn moments is the Ascot scene in My Fair Lady. There's also an amazingly beautiful dress she wears in Sabrina.
Clothes tend to be, for some odd reason, a major factor in how attractive I consider women. Apparently if you can make custom clothes for some woman, I'll think she looks great. OK, possibly not to that extreme. Although, I definitely like looking at Susan from Chronicles of Narnia though I don't consider Anna Popplewell to be very attractive. So, maybe it is to that extreme.
The last woman I stopped and thought looked really pretty was Anne Hathaway in Get Smart. I also thought that Aishwarya Rai of Bride and Prejudice was extremely pretty. Actually, Bride and Prejudice had a lot of pretty cast members. Leona Lewis is pretty, even if I am sick of Bleeding Love. Halle Berry is pretty.
There are a lot of pretty women, I just don't tend to notice them. I think it may relate also to the fact that I don't tend to think people are that attractive at first sight. I relate behavior and demeanor very closely to beauty. To me, if you act ugly, you are ugly; therefore, I will wait to see who you are before I decide how you look.