Dear Friend,
I have been seeing more movies this summer than is my usual wont. (I love that word, "wont" it's fun) I've just seen my third, and boy was it fun. Get Smart was really funny. It's a great waste of time, if you've got time to waste. I think it helps to be familiar with the old show, but not too fanatical about the old show. It also helps if you have a nearly unhealthy fascination with Steve Carell. *glances at icon "stamp"* What? I'm just saying... and I've been waiting to use that icon... anyway. Anne Hathaway was good in this, too. I like Hathaway, despite certain things I've heard about her. In cases such as these my policy of just plain not caring about actors personalities or lives works pretty well. If they entertain my on screen I don't care about who they really are.
OK, I am so rambling now. The movie was good, but to be honest I'm not sure it would stand up to a second viewing. In general I would recommend it to a friend, if I knew they liked stupid, yet not too stupid, comedy.
Ovation TV (arty channel, just my speed) has been having a week devoted to animation. Happy me, I've enjoyed nearly all the documentaries on the studios and animators and what-not. Ub Iwerks was a fascinating man, and the majority of people don't realize that he came up with Mickey Mouse, which saddens me. He drew the character and pretty much single-handedly animated his first cartoon. He was an amazing inventor, too. If you have any interest in animation, look that man up. He'll astound you.
I just realized a few minutes ago that my dear brother has a link to my blog on his blog. Isn't he just cool? I love that his entries have more depth than mine. I still have issues with letting myself get too serious in "public" and therefore my writings tend to be from the shallow end of the pool. My brother, however, all kinds of deep, and I love him for it.
The rest of my (planned) summer movies will include Wall-E, Wanted, the new Batman and possibly a few more. I'm not sure just now.
I'm considering a blog of reviews of my DVD collection. That would be quite a project considering the size of my media shelf. It would be more organized and eloquent than the "reviews" I write here. We'll see what develops.