Dear friend,
How was your holiday? Mine was low-key. I didn't go anywhere, didn't do anything and didn't mind it at all. It rained, great, grand thunderstorm which sent a few toads and turtles trekking across our yard. Honestly, I didn't miss not seeing fireworks. I can't really remember the last time I went to see fireworks. The last house we lived in all I had to do was stand on the front porch and I could see a few different shows from the city. Yes, the display was tiny, and silent, but I didn't mind that.
I'm in the middle of a marathon of The Office. I got the first disc of the 2nd season set from Netflix yesterday. I watched all of it last night. All of it; I mean that, episodes, commentary, deleted scenes; EVERYTHING! I didn't intend to. I wanted to make it last a few days. The show is so funny, the cast is great and it's hard to stop watching once you start. I just love Jim and Pam. And if you recall I'm oddly fascinated by Steve Carell. Michael Scott is cringeworthy, yet endearing. But mostly cringeworthy.
Right now I'm watching my season 1 DVD, which due to my favorite Barnes and Noble "Buy two get one free" sale I didn't pay a penny for, mainly because it's the only season that Steve does commentary for. Go back and make sure you can understand that sentence, it's like two in one, and I want to be sure I'm coherent.
I am also slowly going through a re-watch of LOST. I didn't remember season one being so stunningly beautiful. I love the cinematography and just filming on Hawaii has got to make it easy to make this show pretty. So, I guess all I like about LOST is the cinematography, the writing, the cast and the music. Yeah, not much really. OK, yes, that was a tad sarcastic.
Yeah, so to sum up, I've had a relaxed holiday and I'm obsessed with the office, plus LOST is awesome. Guess that covers it.