Dear friend,
Do you remember that I mentioned I was becoming obsessed with the Office? I'm watching it right now, and wondering if maybe I'm a little too involved. I find certain episodes extraordinarily difficult to watch. The Christmas Party episode is one such episode. I find myself cringing and feeling terrible for Jim and Phyllis. It just feels so uncomfortable so many times while I watch this show that you'd think I was standing in the room with these people. That is probably the intention, but gah! it makes it hard to keep watching sometimes. Another episode I struggle through is Health Care. At the end of the episode, where everyone stops Michael outside his door, and he stalls trying so horribly to think of a "surprise" that will get him out of this mess just makes me want to leave the room. Pam's and Jim's facial expressions just do me in. It's probably not a good idea to watch this show while unemployed because it just reminds you that working sucks.
However, I still laugh more than I cringe most of the time. I adore Jim and Pam (yeah, I've never mentioned that before), and can't help wondering what the hell Michael will do next. I also just can't wait to see what Dwight is going to say or do, especially when Jim or Michael are involved.
I love this show.