Dear friend,
I saw two movies today, neither of them high on my "Oh, let's go see that!" list. I went to the theatre with my whole family to see Hancock. It was an OK movie. I would give it 2.5 stars out of 5. The biggest problem for me was that it was like the studio had the beginning of one superhero movie and then end of another and decided to stick them together and call it a day. I liked the beginning. I didn't care for the end.
The other movie I watched was Cloverfield. I had read so many reviews saying it was good that I was just curious enough to see it. J.J. Abrams association with it, and the previews similarity to the first scene we hear the Monster on LOST didn't hurt either. They were right, it is a good movie, but it's hard to enjoy. I don't like being on the edge of my seat like that. Suspense isn't high on my list of favorite things. I couldn't quite tear my eyes away, though, excepting the really bloody parts, of course.
To counteract the freaky-ness that was Cloverfield, I'm watching the Fairy Tale Theatre DVD of The Three Little Pigs. That explains the title of this post. Buck Wolf is the greatest role Jeff Goldblum ever had. Well, in my opinion it is. I wonder what his opinion of that statement would be. "If you're lying to me I'll come back and chew on your face."