Saturday, January 12, 2008
I do like TV, yes I do
Dear Friend,
Psych was new last night! Yay! Woo Hoo! Pass the pineapple!
Sorry, I'll try not to do that again. But, no really, I am happy that I can look forward to Friday nights again. It was a good ep, not great, but still funny and... Psych-ish. I liked the sub-plot with Lassi and Jules, mainly because I like the idea of those two together, but I don't actually want them to actually be together on the show. Does that make sense? I just like to insert subtext in my own head.
I also love that now that the N is on 24 hours, I get to see Radio Free Roscoe every day! Squee! (Wow, that's a stupid word, but so expressive!) I really do love this show, in all it's cheesy glory. Even if it does go a trifle soap-opera-ish at times, (Ray/Lily vs. Travis/Lily... who cares) it's fun.
LOST comes back this month. Happy me, but actually I am not looking forward to this as much as I expected. Partially due to the fact that we only get half a season this year, due to the stupid writer's strike. It's also because it's been so long I've lost some of my enthusiasm. I'm also mourning the loss of Charlie (if he did die... I think he did. I'm spoiler-free after all).
I think Chuck returns this month too. I'm not sure when, though.
All in all, January is a good month for my TV viewing. Do a happy dance, friend.
Don't forget that right now, Barnes and Noble is having their Buy 2 get 1 free DVD sale right now. I bought all of Campion, 3 seasons of Last Detective and the 4th season of Gilmore Girls. It's great!